Retrieving Person Details from Database using Entity Framework in C#

Retrieving Person Details from Database using Entity Framework in C#

Title: Retrieving Person Details from Database using Entity Framework in C#

Introduction: In this blog article, we will focus on understanding and explaining the GetPerosonDetail method, which retrieves a list of person details from the database using Entity Framework in C#. The method will leverage LINQ to Entities to fetch data and will return a custom model containing both basic information and address details.

Understanding the GetPerosonDetail Method: Let's break down the code of the GetPerosonDetail method and understand each step:

public List<PersonDetailModal> GetPerosonDetail()
    using (var context = new CrudApplicatonEntities())
        var result = context.PersonDetail.Select(x => new PersonDetailModal()
            Id = x.Id,
            FirstName = x.FirstName,
            LastName = x.LastName,
            Email = x.Email,
            Address = new AddressDetailModal()
                Id = x.AddressDetail.Id,
                Street = x.AddressDetail.Street,
                City = x.AddressDetail.City,
                State = x.AddressDetail.State,
                PostCode = x.AddressDetail.PostCode,
                Country = x.AddressDetail.Country

        return result;
  1. public List<PersonDetailModal> GetPerosonDetail(): The method signature indicates that this function returns a list of PersonDetailModal objects.

  2. using (var context = new CrudApplicatonEntities()): The code utilizes a using statement to create an instance of the CrudApplicatonEntities database context. This ensures that the context is properly disposed of after its use.

  3. var result = context.PersonDetail.Select(...): The method utilizes LINQ to Entities to query the PersonDetail table from the database.

  4. Select(x => new PersonDetailModal() { ... }): The Select method projects each PersonDetail entity in the database to a new instance of the custom model PersonDetailModal.

  5. Id = x.Id, FirstName = x.FirstName, LastName = x.LastName, Email = x.Email: The properties of the PersonDetail entity are mapped to the corresponding properties of the PersonDetailModal object.

  6. Address = new AddressDetailModal() { ... }: The Address property of the PersonDetailModal object is mapped to a new instance of the custom model AddressDetailModal.

  7. Id = x.AddressDetail.Id, Street = x.AddressDetail.Street, City = x.AddressDetail.City, State = x.AddressDetail.State, PostCode = x.AddressDetail.PostCode, Country = x.AddressDetail.Country: The properties of the AddressDetail entity are mapped to the corresponding properties of the AddressDetailModal object.

  8. ToList(): The query is executed using the ToList() method, which returns the result as a list of PersonDetailModal objects.

  9. return result;: The list of PersonDetailModal objects is returned as the output of the method.

Conclusion: The GetPerosonDetail method retrieves person details from the database using Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities. It returns a list of custom model objects (PersonDetailModal) containing both basic information and address details. This method serves as a foundation for fetching data from the database and can be further expanded or integrated into a broader application for displaying, processing, or manipulating person information.